Charter of Prudence

1/ Find girlfriends in total confidentiality!

Your location remains systematically invisible: you can see the girls around you but never their precise situation! Moreover, your location will never be disclosed to them.

In accordance with applicable privacy legislation and regulations and in accordance with the Act N ° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978, known as Law “Informatique et Liberté”, you have the right of consultation, modification and rectification of any personal data brought to the knowledge of Friendd during the use of the service. Friendd contact details are available in the legal information section. Friendd is committed to never transmit to other members or to any other third party the contact information concerning you. Your email address, your real identity are strictly confidential data which can not under any circumstances be disclosed by Friendd.

Finally, Facebook Connect is mandatory, but we never publish on your Facebook wall without your agreement.

2/ It is always you who decide

The principle of permanent reciprocity ensures an experience without spam, but because you’re never too careful, Friendd undertakes to give its members the technical means enabling them not to be contacted by a member.

When you meet a member, you can press Block: you will never see her on Friendd, and she will never see you either, nor be able to send messages even if you have already opened the conversation.

Moreover, if someone threatens you, harasses you or you have doubts about her identity do not hesitate to report it, a moderator team ensures compliance with this charter.

Depending on the severity, sanctions of increasing importance will be applied:

- Recall the order
- Expulsion for a limited period
- Definitive expulsion
- Report to the police

3/ No Fake

Personal informations
It is forbidden to publish false information on your profile, such as:

- Using the opposite sex
- Register for malicious and harmful purposes
- Indicate a city different from the city of residence
- Use a false birth date (to pretend to be younger or older)
- And in general, pretending to be someone else

4/ Charter of good behavior

Informations personnelles
Your face should appear on the picture of your profile. You have to be recognizable on your picture. Do not use too many filters to prevent your face from being discerned.

It is forbidden to use any other photo on which your face does not appear. Photos inciting sex, racism, drugs, alcohol or cigarette are likely to be reported and the member would be banned from the application and the Friendd community.

Insults, conflicts and rude words.
It is forbidden to insult, to use vulgar vocabulary or to infringe respect to the person and her dignity.
If you are insulted, report it immediately and do not answer without using in your turn coarse words (because you would risk getting punished as well).

5/ Phone, contact information, etc.

Be careful before sending your phone number, because you could be harassed or having your number published everywhere on the Internet (ex: commercial sites or naughty ads, etc).
Similarly, sending your address to someone you do not know yet is not a good idea.

It is strongly advised not to entrust your account facebook, twitter, instagram or snapchat: passing on these other services, you are no longer protected and we will no longer be able to detect fraudsters. So be careful if someone asks you this information.

6/ Real meetings

If you decide to meet another member, be careful. For security reasons, set up a meeting only in highly frequented public places or warn someone that you know and disclose your contact information only after a reasonable period of time.

7/ Your opinion counts for us

Friendd's quality service agrees to read each of your messages. It is essential for us to understand your expectations, and to do everything possible to answer them. We have dedicated people in our team who take in all your remarks. These remarks serve to improve the application day after day.

8/ Security

This site is secure and no member can access your personal information (email, ip address, Etc.). For legal reasons, all messages are recorded and archived for the police or the gendarmerie in case of an investigation.